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Question Block

Last updated August 18, 2024


In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the Question Block in Phonely and demonstrate how you can link questions together to create powerful and automated workflows. These workflows can answer any type of question and fill in specific information, making your AI receptionist more efficient and human-like.

Introduction to the Question Block

What is the Question Block?

The Question Block is an essential component in creating workflows within Phonely. It allows you to ask specific questions to users, with a focus on creating a more human-like interaction. Unlike traditional IVR systems, Phonely can adjust the conversation style to ensure a natural flow, even if the input isn’t perfect.

Key Features

Humanization: Personalize the conversation by incorporating the user’s first name and other details.

Conversational Style: Phonely can automatically improve the style of the conversation to make it more human-like, rather than robotic.

Creating a New Question Block

Steps to Create a New Question

1. Access the Workflow: Start by navigating to the Phonely agent page  here  and selecting the “Workflows” tab.

2. Add a Question Block: Scroll down to create a new question by clicking the plus sign and selecting the question block.

3. Enter Information: Once the question block is added, the sidebar will pop up where you can input the information. For instance, you could ask, “Can I get your full name, please?”

Customizing the Question

Answer Options: If the question requires a specific answer type, you can create flow branches. If not, Phonely will understand the context and proceed accordingly.

Advanced Features: You can set up Phonely to repeat the customer’s name, ensuring accuracy by asking the caller to confirm the information.

Additional Instructions: Provide extra guidance for Phonely, such as ensuring it captures both first and last names.

Tagging and Outcome Tracking

Call Outcome Tags: These tags help track where users drop off in the workflow, providing insights into potential issues.

Example: If a caller drops off after the “name question,” this will be tagged and visible in your analytics dashboard.

Branching Workflows and Linking Questions

Creating Branching Workflows

Branching workflows are useful when handling tasks like scheduling appointments. For example, you can set up different branches for:

SMS Scheduling: Allowing appointment scheduling via text.

Phone Scheduling: Handling scheduling over the phone.

Live Person Transfer: Transferring the call to a live person for scheduling.

Phonely can recognize semantically similar responses and perform the corresponding task, just like a human would.

Selecting Answer Types

Phonely allows you to store answers as specific data types, such as phone numbers, emails, or dates. This makes it easy to retrieve and use this information later, whether for scheduling or other purposes.

Example: When asking for a phone number, select the “phone” answer type. Phonely will store this as a phone number and use it in subsequent interactions, like sending SMS confirmations.

Advanced Features and API Integration

Using Variables in API Requests

Phonely stores question-answer pairs as variables that can be used in API requests. This feature is particularly powerful for tasks like appointment scheduling, where the information gathered from users can be automatically processed.

Example: After collecting a phone number, Phonely can send an SMS with the link to schedule an appointment.


The Question Block in Phonely is a versatile tool that can be used to create simple or complex workflows, allowing for a more human-like interaction with users. By leveraging features like branching workflows, data type selection, and API integration, you can optimize how Phonely handles conversations.

For more tutorials and help with Phonely, visit our  help desk .

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