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End Flow & End Call

Last updated August 18, 2024

Using the End Flow and End Call Blocks in a Flow

The end flow and end call block can be used to terminate a Phonely flow, this quick tutorial goes through how you can use them to build optimal flows for your AI agent.

End Flow Block

The End Flow when you want Phonely to exit the current conversation flow but remain available for further interaction.

How to Use

  1. Add the End Flow block at the end of your workflow.
  2. Set an end flow message (e.g., "Is there anything else I can help you with?").
  3. Tag the outcome for analytics (e.g., "Scheduled successfully").

Key Points

  • Allows Phonely to return to the main agent for additional questions.
  • Useful for completing a specific task while keeping the conversation open.

End Call Block


  • Used to terminate the call entirely.

How to Use

1. Add the End Call block where you want the call to end definitively.

2. Set a closing message.

Key Points

  • Automatically hangs up the call after reaching this block.
  • Use when no further interaction is needed or desired.

Important Considerations

1. Don't place any actions after the End Flow or End Call blocks within the same flow.

2. Avoid using End Call block after transfer actions, as the call will have already left Phonely's platform.

3. Post-call actions can be configured separately for tasks after the call ends.

Use Cases

  • End Flow: After scheduling an appointment, to allow for additional questions.
  • End Call: When the user is unqualified or the conversation is definitively complete.


Both blocks allow you to tag outcomes, providing valuable data for your call history and dashboard analytics.

For more detailed information and support, visit the Phonely Help Desk at .

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