Using the Logic Block in Phonely's Platform

The Logic block allows you to compare answers from multiple questions, validate information, and make decisions based on combined criteria. This is useful for qualification processes, authentication, or complex decision-making in your workflows.

How to Use

1. Set up prerequisite questions: - Use Multi-Ask or individual question blocks to gather necessary information

2. Add a Logic block: - Place the Logic block after your question blocks in the workflow

3. Configure the Logic block: - Select the answers or variables you want to compare - Choose the comparison type (equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, etc.) - Set up multiple conditions using AND/OR operators

4. Define outcomes: - Create paths for both true and false outcomes - Connect subsequent blocks based on these outcomes

Example Setup

1. Multi-Ask Block:
Question 1:
Name: phone
Type: phone
Question: Get customer phone number

Question 2:
Name: name
Type: text
Question: Get customer name

Question 3:
Name: email
Type: email
Question: Get customer email

2. Logic Block:
IF (phone == "specific_number") AND (name == "Will")
  Outcome: True
  Outcome: False

3. Outcome Paths:
IF True:
  Connect to: Next question or process block
IF False:
  Connect to: End Call block
    Set call reason: "fake Will"

Key Features

Use Cases


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